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Stata modules

I developed Stata modules (using Mata language) for my own needs on Network Analysis, that I freely share. Several of them rely on Thomas Grund Stata packages (nwcommands). Many thanks to him for his tremendous work.

For any Stata-related question, please use the Statalist forum, where I'm an active user so it can benefit to others.

complexity (2019) : Computes Complexity Indexes based on comparative advantages.

nw_fromlist (2017) : Transforms list (long-form) dataset into network

nw_wcc (2017) : Calculates Weighted Clustering Coefficients (WCC) in Complex Direct Networks. (With the approval of G.Fagiolo)

nwANND (2016) : Computes ANND (average nearest neighbor degree) and related measures

nwcluster (2016) : Computes the clustering coefficient for each vertices, as well as average and global clustering coefficient.

nwReciprocity (2016) : Computes reciprocity metrics for (weighted) directed networks

nwDisparity (2016) : Computes the disparity of the nodes

nwStrengthCent (2016) : Computes Freeman's centrality index (1979) for strength centrality

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